Thursday, March 11, 2010

Plato's Never-ending Cave

Yesterday I was asked if I thought Plato’s Allegory of the Cave implied reality was inside the cave or outside. It didn’t take me long to respond as this is an issue I have thought a lot about… which just proves what a nerd I am… but anyway… We are all inside the cave. The outside of the cave represents a new reality to those in the cave, however they believe the shadows they see on the cave wall as reality. So it only makes sense that the “real world” as we see it is only what we think is reality. Another level of understanding can always be reached.

To go even a step further, I have also thought of it in this way. When the captives are in the cave, they believe the shadows are reality. When the one leaves, he or she gains a new reality and it is frightening to this person. I believe that that new reality he or she gained is nothing more than another cave and eventually he or she will leave that cave also and find a new reality. The process is unending as reality is in the eye of the beholder.

Well my lunch break is over and I have to get back to researching Colorado’s Probate Code… So hopefully this blog makes sense and isn’t just rambling spurred on by the caffeine pulsing through my veins.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Please Read The Disclaimer First...

Originally posted 12/08/2007 on MySpace:

DISCLAIMER (please be sure to read this before continuing on to the rest of my blog, thanks!): I really need to preface this blog with the fact that I respect all religions and all people in general. However, this particular blog may offend some Christians or even members of other institutionalized religions. If it does offend you, I feel the need to apologize up front. No disrespect is intended. If you feel that you can't read the following with an objective and open mind I would encourage you not to proceed past this paragraph. What follows is mostly, if not all, composed of my own personal opinion, and I hope you realize that I am not forcing my opinion on you nor attempting to persuade you from your own opinion. I also wish to convey that I do not know everything about Christianity and am sorry if my perception is very different than reality. My experiences throughout this day have inspired me to share this opinion of mine. If you happen to continue reading and disagree with anything I say, I really would like for you to post your own opinion here. Everyone who provides valuable forms of feedback (that would be without name-calling or just out right dismissing anyone's opinion) will be free to post their opinion and are encouraged to do so. Everyone can have their opinion expressed if they feel the need. If you do proceed, I hope this blog will make you question everything in it and that which you know even if it only strengthens your conflicting opinion. Thank you.

Today I had an extremely interesting and very thought provoking experience. I had the great opportunity to make a journey to the North end of Colorado Springs to the New Life Church in order to watch their spectacular Christmas show entitled "Wonderland". This was an experience that I won't soon forget. The evening really made me contemplate on life and religion in particular and there are several points I feel the need to make.

First, as many of you probably know (and if you don't you can read more about it on Wikipedia or several other places on the web) New Life Church has had some turmoil over the past year. It was really strange as I was sitting in the large auditorium surrounded by so many people that could just cast aside particular groups of people. Of course Mr. Haggard made some mistakes, especially in the way he handled the situation, but who hasn't made mistakes? Why was he not deserving of understanding and forgiveness? Just because he had homosexual relations? Or was it because he hid them and accused other homosexuals of immorality? What gave the church the right to ruin this man's life? That is one of my biggest confusions with religion, especially Christianity. So much judgment is cast upon "sinful" people. My personal opinion is that all people, whether gay, African American, Jewish, Muslim, Mexican, or whatever else, are equally capable of good. Please don't get me wrong I am not saying that Christians are racist and I am also not generalizing. Some Christians are great, honest, courteous people, but others are too quick to judge. Just because another human being is of a different religious persuasion or happens to be gay doesn't automatically mean they are going straight to Hell, if such a place even exists. How is not accepting Christ as God's son a sin? How do any of these things make you any less than anyone else? It is very perplexing to me. It is also very perplexing to me to understand how Mr. Haggart's counselors "cured" him of his apparent homosexuality, making him "completely heterosexual".

As is probably clear by this point, I do not consider myself a religious person, yet I consider myself (I hope this doesn't sound too terribly conceded) to be a person of good morals. So why do I live with this respect for myself and others? It is not because some man or possibly (but not very likely) a woman stood behind a podium and told me that's the way it should be and that it is the only way I will get into Heaven. It is because I believe it is the right thing to do and will make my life better. It is not because I want to be rewarded in the afterlife, but because I want to feel rewarded in my own life here on Earth. I do not believe living your life for the favor of God or Jesus, but instead I believe in living your life for yourself. Christians are big on the fact that humans are naturally flawed and sinful and need to allow Christ into their hearts in order to be freed from this sin. I do not buy into that at all. I think humans are wonderful things, each just as capable of good as the next without the urging of religion to be that way. This can be argued against by discussing the evil in the world, but every person who kills, robs, rapes, insults, drives drunk, etcetera has the potential to be better than that. They make choices that lead to those activities. Some have mental issues that contribute to such behaviors, and that if the correct help was sought out, they could be properly treated before such activities occur. If some people see God and Jesus as ways to ensure living a good "sinless" life then that's great! More power to them! But don't use those same ideals to declare others "hopeless sinners". If I am kind, respectful, trustworthy, etcetera, then I feel better about myself, not because I feel that I will fall into favor with God, but because it makes me feel great.

Speaking of the afterlife, most religious folks find great comfort in the fact that there is something beyond this life. I have come face-to-face with death this year and my mom's passing was one of the toughest things I have ever experienced. Many people attempted to comfort me by telling me what an amazing wonderful person that she was and that there's no doubt she is in heaven watching over you. That could be a nice thought for some people, but I can't deal with that. My mom is still with me, but in memory and in who I have become. She will always be a part of me. I do not, however, believe in an afterlife. The thought of death scares me. It scares me a lot, but the thought of eternal bliss in Heaven or eternal damnation in Hell are not comforting. Life is life. Make the most of it. Enjoy yourself. Do good for others because it makes you feel good about yourself, not because you will get into Heaven. If Christianity is right and I end up in horrible torture in Hell after I die, then I might regret these opinions, but that is a choice I have made and will live with the consequences. I know I have led so far and will continue lead a good life and that is good enough to make me happy.

That's what I have to say. There may be more later, but I'm sure I have offended enough people for now… That and its starting to get late and I've had a very physically and emotionally draining day. So I must go, but before I do let me finish with this: Please let me know what you think. Whether you agree or disagree I want to know what you think! Thank you all, you are great people and great friends!

Couple of older posts...

I haven't had as much time to blog as of late... But I really would like to get back at it... So I'm starting by posting a few blogs that I posted years ago on a different blog!

Friday, October 24, 2008

So why Bob Barr?

Last night's events and the resulting blog made me realize that perhaps I have not done a good enough explanation as to why I have chosen to support Bob Barr. First of all, like I mentioned last night, although I know Barr will not win, I do not believe my vote is wasted. A truly wasted vote is one that is not cast at all or one cast for something you don't believe in or someone you don't support. My vote is not a wasted vote.

Now on to the issues:

First, the economic crisis we currently find ourselves in. Both Obama and McCain supported the bailout of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Bob Barr did and does not support such bailouts (see my upcoming blog on capitalism...). Many people (at least according to polls I have seen) are not in support of this bail out. As Barr puts it, "There ain't a dimes worth of difference between John McCain and Barack Obama" on this bail out issue. And the way I see it, that is the truth.

Next we have the Patriot Act and the protection of American citizens' right to privacy. Since Barr has left congress he has been "working to take the U.S.A. Patriot act, drive a stake through its heart, shoot it, burn it, cut off its head, burn it again, and scatter its ashes to the four corners of the world." Many people who oppose Barr are quick to point out that he voted for the Patriot Act while in Congress and that his reversal just proves that hindsight is 20/20. People change. Bob Barr used to be a Republican too... He has seen the error of his ways and has changed. Since he realized he was wrong he has worked to correct it. It would be one thing if he voted for the Patriot Act and continues supporting it, but he has not continued in its support. He has been trying to right his wrong.

Another issue that is important to me is eminent domain. Libertarians have a perfect stance on this issue in my opinion. As Barr says, "allowing governments, at any level, to confiscate property without a compelling justification represents a serious attack on fundamental liberty." Barr does not see any reason for government to take a person's land away from them unless it is in an overwhelming public interest - and even then only if a truly fair market value is paid for the land.

These are only a few issues, but he has many good points on other issues too. If you have the will and time, check out and look into him and his stances. And once again I am not trying to push my views on anyone, just trying to share information. I respect all people and the opinions they posses.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Election 2008

Tonight I was called an idiot because I do not support Barack Obama. I do recognize that everyone has a right to his or her own opinion, but these opinions can put to better use if they were expressed intelligently (i.e. calling someone an idiot is no way to persuade a person's opinion towards your own). I am fine with people supporting Barack Obama as long as they know why they are and can defend that stance.

In tonight's instance though, I was told that Obama is the best candidate this country has ever seen and that if he was not black and his name was not Barack Hussein Obama that the whole entire country would be behind him. So not only was I called an idiot, I was also basically called a racist. Even though I was never supporting Obama, this particular supporter's remarks sealed the deal.

Furthermore, I was told that voting for a third party is a wasted vote. This is a common excuse for people to vote for one of the major parties (Dems and Reps). However, the way I see it, a vote for something you believe in is never a wasted vote. You shouldn't have to support someone because they are from one of the parties in power when you don't agree with him or her. Votes have been cast for many dictators by people that didn't support the dictator but had no choice. We do have a choice! We have an obligation to be true to ourselves!

I believe in the Constitution of this country. I believe in the Bill of Rights. And in that document is a right to expression. Voting is a form of expression. Don't I have the right to choose who I vote for? I shouldn't have to vote for one of the major party tickets because they are the only ones that will win. Why vote for the lesser of two evils when you can vote for someone and something you believe in?

As Bob Barr says, "Obama and McCain are creatures of the status quo." Shouldn't the status quo be questioned? As George Carlin said, "The status quo sucks" and I tend to agree with him.

Go out and vote for who you believe in! I don't care who it is, as long as you know why you support them! And remember what Plato said: "One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors."

Monday, April 14, 2008

Poli Sci Puppet Pals Present The Puzzling Metallic Tapping Noise...

Last week was the annual Political Science Forum at Colorado State University Pueblo. One morning some of us involved in the planning and execution of the Forum came up with an idea to show our appreciation for our professors in our department... This was the result:

After the Forum we presented the professors with their puppets. Surprisingly they liked the movies and their puppets...

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Holiday Hugo: Happy St. Patty's and Easter too!

So, it may seem that Holiday Hugo has been behing in wishing you joy on the various holidays which his name implies he would be wishing you happy holidays... But have no fear, because Holiday Hugo is ready to play catch up!

Happy Easter!!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!