Thursday, January 24, 2008

Let Me Introduce you to my Little Green Friend...

I recently had the opportunity to decorate my first apartment. This was quite the duanting task, however I beleive that it turned out well... Even though it is and probably always will be a work in progress... But anyway, I was lucky enough to have a like-minded (and by that I probably mean insane) aunt to help with this decorating. This is were Holiday Hugo, My Little Green Friend comes into play. We do have some theories on Hugo's original purpose in life was, but now he has moved past such ignoble purposes and has risen to a truly worthy calling. He is know a decoration in my apartment! And that's not the best part... For certain holidays, Hugo will have special hats to celebrate. As each one comes up I will post them here for your enjoyment, but for now Let Me Introduce you to my Little Green Friend, Hugo:

Humor: The Warning You Never Hear

All of us have heard of the dangers of texting while driving. I of course think that this activity is horribly dangerous and really would like to avoid doing it... But unfortunately my will power isn't strong enough to prevent me from such reckless behavior and sometimes I find myself texting while driving a car. But that is not the warning I am here to share with you today. Instead I would like to share with you the dangers of texting while driving a shopping cart...

The other day I was in Wal-Mart late at night (which is really the only time I ever go to Wal-Mart... good thing they're open 24 hours...) intently looking for certain items in various places throughout the store. Then I started getting text messages. Other then waste time by stopping to reply I made the decision to text while moving with the cart. Bad choice... Through the remainder of my visit I crashed into several end cap displays knocking merchandise onto the floor and eventually crashed into a couple little kids... That wasn't good at all. At that point I realized that people needed to know the dangers of texting while driving a shopping cart. Don't do it and don't let your friends do it!!! Enough said.

P.S. – I am having difficulty typing at the moment due to a slight injury to my thumb that required much waiting at the emergency room only to just end up going somewhere else… But that is a different story for a different time… Probably when I can type better…

Welcome to my Blog!

Those of you who have been following my blogs for a while now, know that part of my most recent New Year's Resolution was to blog more... So I decided on upgrading from MySpace blogs, so here I am on Google's version of a blog site... I'm sure this will be easier to use and will more directly fit my needs. So I encourage you to stop by often or even subscribe and comment on my blogs! I'm going to post a couple of my favorite older ones here too... Thanks!